Chihuahua History and Characteristics

By Georgios Kalarchakis

The origins of the Chihuahua are uncertain. They probably came to Mexico by the Chinese, but is also possible to be originated from dogs of the Aztecs, including the race Techichi. The Chihuahua was the favourite animal of the Aztec, who used to eat them as sacred food, also they where sacrificing them to the gods and believed that Chihuahuas brought good luck at home.
The Chihuahua is considered to have come to Spain by Spanish conquerors. Reproduction of the Chihuahua first started in the United States in the nineteenth century. Soon people recognized the value of this race. It is the oldest race in America and arrived in Europe after the Second World War.

The Chihuahua is the smallest of all breeds. Their height ranges from 16 to 20 cm and are weighing from one to three and a half pounds. It has a tiny fine skeleton, a head that is round and erected ears. Their smooth coat is composed of shiny, soft hair, little head and ears. Their hair is long, soft and slightly curly. There are a variety of colours in their hair like amber, white, brown and black. Their coat can be one colour or more and they could have spots.

Each Chihuahua has a unique personality. It's cute, active and shows human expressions. This tiny companion is deeply devoted and loyal. It is bold, fearless and very protective of its owner. They enjoy stealing all the attention. They are cautious in the presence of foreigners and are excellent keepers. This breed is not suitable for young children and does not coexist easily with other pets.

What you should know before buying a Chihuahua: It some times develops eye problems and heart disease. The Chihuahua can not live in cold climate and must be protected when it comes out. It is difficult to train and requires patience and stability. Socialization is very important and because of this it must begin early and be intensive and extensive.