How to Choose the Right Bedding For Your Guinea Pigs

By Cedric James

In nature, guinea pigs love a comfortable place to live in. Putting them in a cage with barren wire mesh floor will not only be rude but painful four your pet. To make your cavy comfy, it would be wise to put a flat base under the wire cage. This will also make it easier for the cage to clean.

As for the bedding, there are different options to choose from. All will depend on your budget and what you think will be best for your pet. There are treated beddings especially made for cavies available online. You may also check on your local pet store if they can offer you good bedding supply.

Wood shavings for bedding are cheap. You can choose from pine pellets, aspen and pine shavings. Like any other natural bedding, make sure that the shavings are either cured or at least dried well.

Only shavings from select trees can be used. Do not risk on shavings if you don't know where it came from and how it was treated. Moist bedding fosters bacterial and fungal growth that may infect your pet. When available, opt for shavings treated to be hypoallergenic.

If you are uncertain of the quality of the shavings, leave them in open air to dry. Also, shavings produce some dust that your guinea pig will inhale. Check for dustiness before thinking of putting shavings in your cavy cage. Ascertain that the tree which the shavings are taken from is not treated with insecticide or other harmful chemicals to avoid poisoning.

Regular straw can also be put in your cage. As long as it is properly dried and rid of hard parts that may injure your guinea pig, it is fairly safe. You can make straw shavings on your own by cutting grass early in the morning (after the dew dries) and leaving it in the open air to dry. If you can spare the effort, dry them with a mild breeze to remove both dust and loose pollen.

Hay will be a good choice for cavy cage bedding. When cured well, hay has significantly less dust than wood shavings. It will also complement the chewing needs of your cavy. When cured properly, it has proteins and a lot of fiber to supplement your guinea pigs diet.

Unfortunately, hay cannot absorb fluids quite well. For this, you will need to replace the hay every day. Look out for signs of molding in your hay. Some pet stores sell hypoallergenic hay. This form of hay is well-cured and treated to prevent causing allergies to your pet.

If you work in an office that spews out a lot of shredded paper, it will also be wise to maximize this resource. Guinea pigs find shredded paper quite soft and comfortable. It is also absorbent. Shredded paper will also produce lesser dust and definitely no pollen. When using shredded paper as bedding for your guinea pig's cage, weed out strips that have ink. Some inks can be toxic to your guinea pig.

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What to Feed Your Pet Guinea Pig

By Robert Turberville

Wild guinea pigs or cavies are mainly grazers and live off plants and the stems, leaves and seeds of grass. Pet cavies thrive on grass, hay, fresh vegetable matter and grain.

Grass and Hay

Grass and hay form the principal part of a guinea pig's diet. The safest way of giving them access to grazing is to use a movable ark which can be moved frequently onto areas of fresh grass. Very fresh grass clippings can be used but they must not be left to wilt and ferment nor previously treated with any chemical fertilizers, weed killers etc. Feed good quality meadow hay to your pets. Quality hay is green in color, sweet smelling and should not contain harsh weeds such as thistle and dock. Use a hay rack for feeding to keep it off the floor otherwise it will get trodden and messed on.

Wild Plant Food

Many wild plants may also be fed to guinea pigs and are a useful part of their diet. Dandelions and groundsel are a favorite food plant of guinea pigs, but other weeds commonly found in lawns and flower beds can be safely given to your pets. These include chickweed, clover, coltsfoot, cow parsley, shepherd's purse, sow thistle, vetch and yarrow. Plants to be avoided because they may be poisonous, including bindweed, bryony, buttercup (unless dried), dock, dog's mercury, foxglove, laburnum, nightshade, (common and deadly), poppy, privet, ragwort, sorrel, wild clematis, wild arum, wood anenome and yew. Only feed those plants which you have a positive ID on; if in doubt leave it out. Plants from the roadside or fields may have been affected by road pollution or agricultural spray drift and these are best left where they are - stick to your garden or a known safe plot to gather weeds.

Raw Fruit and Vegetables

Raw fruit and vegetables help provide a regular vitamin C intake. Unlike a squirrel, your pet cavy does not use it's front feet as hands so give them their fruit and vegetables cut up into chunks. They appreciate celery, melon or lettuce leaves which they enjoy but, like dandelion, too much lettuce will cause them to pass urine frequently.

Cereal Food

Cavies need some cereal foodstuffs each day because, unlike their wild cousins, they do not have access to plentiful grass seed heads They can be fed on crushed oats, proprietary grain mixtures sold for guinea pigs, wholemeal bread and possibly bran fed twice a day either dry or moistened with hot or cold milk or water which is the way bran should always be fed.

Feeding Cleanliness

Left over food in feeding bowls may go sour especially in hot weather so remove bowls between feeding times. Guinea pigs trample over their empty food bowls or sit in them and use them as a toilet, and will get pretty smelly. Removing the bowls gives you the chance to give them a good wash before putting in fresh food at the next feed. Don't forget that cavies are grazers and eat little and often so fresh food needs to be available at all times of the day and night. Leave them hay and vegetables to feed on overnight.

Water and Supplements

Guinea pigs can get part of their water needs from fresh vegetable food but water must always be on hand for them to drink from. Drip feed bottles are a popular way of providing clean water but need scouring occasionally to stop the build up of algae. Useful supplements include a mineral lick (bought from a pet shop); cod liver oil in winter; and one 250mg tablet of vitamin C dissolved in water.

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Proper Care For Your Guinea Pig

By Chris Short

Guinea pig health considerations must be on top of your priority list if you want to rear strong and happy cavies. You should provide them with a clean environment that is free from harmful substances and bacteria. You should also give them healthy diet plans that are packed with the essential nutrients they need.

Lastly, you should see to it that all of their grooming needs are properly met on a regular basis. Grooming, proper feeding, and appropriate housing are the basic needs of growing cavies. This article will discuss the general care that every guinea piglet should receive.

Proper Feeding and Diet Plans

Guinea pig health is directly related to the eating habits of all cavies. If your cavies consume appropriate amounts of nutrients and vitamins, their life would last longer. It is okay to feed them with pellets because these prepackaged goodies are also packed with Vitamin C. You should also incorporate fresh fruits and vegetables into their diet. Keep in mind that pellets do not provide all the nutrients that cavies must receive.

Cavies that eat healthy remain happy. However, start watching how much you feed your pets. Both overfeeding and underfeeding them can cause serious health complications that can lead to illnesses.

In ensuring guinea pig health, it is also important to provide them with sufficient Vitamin C supply. This could keep them safe from scurvy, a disease that causes stiffness of joints and loss of teeth. Normally, a cavy would need at least 10 to 30 milligrams of Vitamins C a day. Give them ¼ of a Vitamin C tablet daily to ensure sufficient intake.

Water should be available for your piglets 24 hours a day. Store their water in sealed drip bottles to prevent water contamination. Change their water supply on a daily basis.

Grooming and Cleaning

Grooming your cavies is an important aspect of developing guinea pig health. Keeping them immaculately clean is equivalent to keeping them away from harmful viruses. You should regularly inspect their eyes, ears, and nose. Once you see any signs of infection, contact a veterinarian as soon as possible.

You should also see to it that their nails are clipped on a regular basis. This could avoid chances of bacteria accumulation in their nails. Be careful while cutting their nails because their toes might bleed if you cut them too short.

Bathe them when they start smelling bad. Use a mild shampoo. Strong shampoos may cause excessive fur shedding, dryness of skin, and itchiness.

Guinea Pig Health and Appropriate Housing

Keep in mind that some bedding materials are harmful for cavies. Do not use straw, cedar shavings, and other potentially harmful materials. Use hay in the topmost layer of the bedding. Hay can provide many benefits. It could keep their teeth from excessively growing. Its softness can also provide them with the comfort they need. They can even burrow under hay in order to relax and hide whenever they want to feel alone.

You could also add some accessories inside their home. However, see to it that the toys you choose are suitable for them. Do not overcrowd their cages because they need ample amount of space to explore and walk around. Change their absorbent beddings at least twice a week.

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Tips on Guinea Pig Health - What Are the Symptoms and the Treatment?

By Sherry Young

When you have a guinea pig as your pet, you must know what type of guinea pig diseases that might infect your pet. Extra care and attention should be devoted to your pet as guinea pig is more prone to illness and diseases than other type of pets.

You have to know the health of your pet in general to make sure your pet stays healthy and happy always. Healthy and happy pet makes it more fun to play with.

The following are list of the common health problems that may affect your pet:

Generally, frequent sneezes indicate that your guinea pig might have some allergy towards his surrounding. The material use for his bedding in his cage might be the cause of the sneeze. The bedding is there to keep him warm and provide comfort to him. Change the bedding entirely to a complete new set and see whether that helps to reduce the sneeze. If that does not improve, put the cage in a different location instead. If your pet always rubs his nose and you notice that there is some sort of discharge from his nose, send him to the vet immediately.

Scratches is good to help clear away any minor irritants. But if your pet likes to scratch his body consistently and frequently, this might indicate he has some problem on his skin/body as fungal or parasites might have infected him. You can easily spot any brown insect that cling to his body if you were to comb his hair gently with a pet brush. Just clean or wash that area with a medicated shampoo to help get rid of the lice. You should also clean and disinfect the cage regularly to clear any parasites problem.

Take notice to the colour of the urine. Slightly milky colour is normal but if the urine is white in colour this could indicate the presence of high calcium level in his diet which is higher than the normal intake. If there is traces of blood in his urine resulting to the colour red or pinkish to his urine, this indicate that your pet might have stones in his bladder. Take him to see the vet for further advice.

Your guinea pig will get watery eyes if some foreign elements such as too much dusts or allergy is presence in his eyes. Please head to the vet to seek advice on how to get rid of the irritants. The presence of cyst may also result in watery eyes. If this is the case, you need to get professional help from experience vet surgeon to help remove the cyst.

You must feed him adequate amount of Vitamin C daily as the lack of it may result in him to suffer from scurvy which cause him to have stiff joint. He cannot move properly. The daily recommended intake of Vitamin C should be at least 10 milligram. You can feed him with tiny pieces of carrots as a source of vitamin C.

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Factors Influencing Guinea Pig Training

By Cedric James

People would think that guinea pigs have low intellectual capabilities. They are often mistaken as dumb creatures. But this is a common misnomer and should be corrected. Guinea pigs are very intelligent mammals that enable them to perform different tasks and tricks.


Like most creatures, guinea pigs can learn through repetition. The cause and effect of what they are doing triggers a psychological process which is commonly termed by scientists as classical conditioning. It works by telling your cavy that this action leads to these consequences. A very good example of this is when your cavy becomes excited and jumps around every time you open the cage door. The reason is that it knows that upon opening the cage, you would refill the food bowl or set it free on the floor.


A great motivator for the guinea pig to perform a trick or task is the presence of a reward such as a treat. What greater joy would your cavy experience than to have a full stomach? After all, being hungry is indeed a terrible thing to experience.

In some instances, pet owners punish their cavies if a task is not performed well. This is not recommended, pets will live in fear and your presence alone will make them tremble. I have heard of cases of cavies getting hit by a newspaper in the mouth if it would demand food. Slapping the fragile mouth of the cavy can lead to all sorts of injury and even death. Therefore, harsh punishment should not be done.

Treats and Praises

Treats are preferably edible nutritious foods. Depending on your pet's preference, vegetables and fruits cut into small pieces are the best choice for treats. Just remember not to give excessive amounts for they might be full and won't find additional treats pleasant anymore.

Besides the treat, additional praises can be added after or before the task. Cavies love motivating words such as "go piggy". Gentle caress on the head can also boosts the cavy's moral and it would feel very happy after it successfully performed the task.

A special consideration to be firm with is not to give treats if the task is not executed. This is only indicated if the cavy has already learned the trick. If you do give the treat, you defy the purpose of the whole conditioning process. Your cavy would think that he can have the treat even if he does nothing.

Owners Responsibility

As a cavy owner, you should know the strengths and limitations of your cavy. Remember that some tricks require strength and youthfulness. Always consider the age of your cavy. Take note that training them earlier is always better. The saying "you can't teach an old dog new tricks", is half true and very applicable to your cavy. Old ones can still learn tricks but it will take a little more time and effort for this to be done. In addition, some tricks such as sitting up requires your cavy to be young. Sitting up is when your cavy sits on his butt with his two front legs upward. Old cavies can't do this because they have a bad spine and a decreased in muscle strength.

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How Many Guinea Pig Breeds Are There?

By Chris Short

The question of pedigree is a hard one to answer. Just as with domestic cats and dogs, there are a lot of different breeds of guinea pigs, but not all are recognized by governing organizations. In North America, the American Cavy Breeders Association holds power, while the UK has its British Cavy Council. There are a few more such bodies, but to the ordinary pet keeper those things do not particularly matter. What most people want to know when asking about guinea pig breeds are the different descriptions and aesthetic characteristics.

There are about a dozen or so named breeds. Because many of these breeds have "ideal" characteristics in contrast to the natural variability of actual characteristics, confusion may arise. For the sake of argument, we will skip most of the talk on rosettes and focus on the hair length and characteristics as the main points of differentiation.

The body shapes of guinea pigs are similar across all breeds, unlike with dogs and cats where one breed can look vastly different from another. Colors can vary also, and colors are not particularly associated with most guinea pig breeds.

The first on our list is the Rex. The Rex's hair is short and fuzzy, and stands on end uniformly across its entire body.

The Teddy looks kind of like a teddy bear, due to its dense, fuzzy, erect coat. The coat is moderately long, enhancing the huggable appearance much like the stuffed toy it is named after. This breed is quite popular, especially with younger pet owners.

The Abyssinian is another common breed. Its hair varies in length across its body, standing up in clumps or ridges. This creates a messy but rather amusing appearance that lots of pet owners like.

The Peruvian is the original long-haired Cavy. The hair falls like a curtain all around, even in front of the face, and can grow longer than 20 inches (50 centimeters). Trimming and grooming are essential for the best appearance. Such additional maintenance reduces its popularity as a pet, so it is more popular as a show breed.

The Silkie or Sheltie also has long hair, except it tends to flow backward, and never falls forward onto the face like the Peruvian.

Texels are strongly similar to Silkies, except for the addition of corkscrew curls. Mild grooming is required to keep the curls from tangling.

There are a few relatively rarer breeds too, like the following:

· The Alpaca is a curly coated Peruvian. Many of these are first-generation Peruvian hybrids.

· The Crested breed has a singular rosette on the head, giving it the eponymous crest.

· Coronets are long-haired like Silkies, but with crests like the Crested.

· A Ridgeback is genetically similar to the Abyssinian, but with a more uniform coat, with the exception of a ridge of hair running down the spine.

· Abbyruvians or Sheba Mini Yaks are also quite similar to Abyssinians, but with longer hair. The hair tends to curl up and clump, giving rise to the nickname "Bad Hair Day" Cavy.

· There are also hairless guinea pig breeds, but they require a different set of care conditions, and as such are not popular as pets.

There are even more breeds, but these are the most well known ones. Make sure to keep your eyes peeled!

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Easy Pet Care Tips For You

By Penelop Jones

We all love our pets. We love to play with them all day long. A pet is a domestically owned animal basically kept for companionship. So, if you are an absolute pet lover then this article could really help you a lot. Further in this topic we are going to talk about some of the simple tips to care for your pets. Caring for your pets is very important. You must regard your pet as a part of your family. Your pet certainly deserves your love and affection.

Now, given below are some of the tips that one should follow. Make sure you implement all these tips in your daily life.

1. Caring for your beloved cat

We all know that cat is one of the most popular domestic pets worldwide. They are certainly liked in most parts of the world. Playing with a cat is great fun and I can assure you that you would love the company of your cat. If you want you can surf the net and look for some good tips to care for your cat.

2. Caring for your dog

Dogs are certainly the most well behaved pets any one can ever have. So, you really need to care for them. They not only provide you safety but really become your best friends. When you're sad you can play with your dog and be rest assured that it would sway all your worries away. Dogs are one of the oldest friends of man.

3. Caring for your rabbits

Some of the people love to keep rabbits as their pets. This is certainly a great idea for you to pursue. These are one of the most social animals in the world. Everyone loves to play with them in his/her backyard. If you keep rabbits as pet then I can assure you that it would be a great experience for you.

Besides, all these you need to follow some general tips as well. The best way to treat your pet is through lots and lots of love and affection. You should also provide them good quality food and water. Their drinking and eating utensils should be properly cleaned. If you want you can even consult a veterinary specialist for this purpose. This was all about pet care tips in detail. Don't forget to check out this article once. It could really help you a lot. Have Fun!

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How to Choose Pet Identification Method

By Penelop Jones

A pet is a domestic animal which is owned for companionship. There are several types of animals available as pets in the market. You can choose from any one of those. We all love our pets and really enjoy playing with them all day long. So, if you are in love with your pet then this article is simply meant for you. You must read it once as it could really help you a lot. Further in this topic we are going to talk about pet identification in detail.

Identification is very necessary as it is of utmost importance that everyone has a distinctive identity. Your four legged friend should be absolutely different from other pets. So, a pet identity is provided for this purpose. It becomes very easy to locate your lost pet if you do have your pet's identity. The pet identity card should have your pet's complete name and house address. Such cards are created through automatic machines. There are a huge number of choices available with you when it comes to choosing a perfect identification tag.

These tags are available in different sizes and colors. If you want you can even personalize them as per your choice. Such things are not very expensive. However, you just need to visit the right place. Such identity cards are also being manufactured by big companies such as Gucci. If you can afford a gold pet identity card then Gucci offers you a wide variety of such products. You just need to do adequate amount of market research. If you want you can even place an order online. Through online shopping you can certainly avail a lot of offers.

So, if you really love your four legged friend then you must apply for a brand new pet identity card. This card would certainly ensure that your pet lives with you forever. While purchasing a pet identity card, its resilience must be made certain and under some kind of guarantee. Understandable cards are indispensable in finding missing pets. Such identity cards could be of great help to you. So, make sure you go for such products.

Pet identification tags certainly make sure that you always have a fair probability of recovering your lost pet. Pet tags help ensure that you will have a good chance of retrieving your four legged friend should it get lost or run away. If you wish you can even modify the look of your card to your taste so that your four legged friend remains in style!

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Living With Pets

By Brenda Williams

Living with pets can be a dream come true or a nightmare depending on your experience with pets and that particular pet's natural tendencies. For example, there are a lot of people in the United States who adamantly prefer to adopt dogs over cats because dogs are more easily trained than their feline counterparts. However, with a little training and some creative thinking, owning a cat can be just as gratifying.

The first thing that you will naturally want to consider before you adopt a pet is the layout of your home as well as the things that you own inside of your home. Will you allow your pet to have free reign of your house? Will the pet be restricted to just one room of the house? What sorts of restrictions will you impose (if any) when it comes to the safety and well being of not only your pet but your furniture as well? There are many things to consider.

Once, when I went over to one of my friends houses, she had two cats and a small dog and wall to wall carpeting. I would usually be ok for the first five minutes before I started wheezing and then it would go downhill fairly quickly after that to the point where I absolutely could not breathe. It's one thing if you own pets, but it is quite another thing to consider the guests that you may or may not have over to your home. For instance, not everyone is fond of animals, and even those who are fond of animals cannot necessarily tolerate them due to the pet dander that is left behind as well other factors. Remember, if you are going to live with a pet, you have to be even more diligent about keeping things clean and organized. The more crevices and clutter that you leave out, the more dust, pet dander and opportunity that your pets will have to get into something that they shouldn't.

If you live in an apartment building and own a pet, you may not necessarily have a say when it comes to trading in your wall to wall carpeting for some nice, shiny hardwood floors. If this is the case, you may want to invest in a couple of hepa filters to throw around the apartment. Additionally, a good vacuum is a must. The vacuum should also state somewhere on it that it has or uses a hepa filter. Hepa filters are specially designed to trap pet dander, dust, and other allergens that are in the air, making it a little easier to breathe. Vacuuming should be done the day before you are expecting company- not the day of. If you have to vacuum on the same day that you are expecting company, try to vacuum as many hours in advance, and then exit the apartment if you have allergies because you would have stirred up a lot of airborne allergens.

Living with an animal means lots of training and even more patience. For example, I used to own a leather couch. I had just bought it at a time when I was sharing a town home with one of my friends. Shortly after I got the leather couch, her mother gave her a puppy. Suddenly, we had to train a puppy to not tear up the furniture. This required a lot of patience as well as crate training before we were able to leave the dog out in the house while no one was home; however, it can be done.

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Maintain Your Pet's Health and Weight With These Tips

By Cheryl Stevens

In some ways our bad habits have transferred to our pets. As with us humans the amount of overweight or obese pets has been significantly increasing. Some pet health experts suggest that about half of our dogs and cats are overweight.

Maintaining An Optimum Weight

There are a few factors that lead to overweight pets: lack of exercise, too much food, low quality food, and too many unhealthy treats. But these are things we can easily control to keep our furry friends healthier and happier.

With dogs it is easy to take them out for a walk every day. But you can also play with them indoors, for example you can play fetch with their favorite toy or play a game of tug of war. If your cat goes outside she will get exercise roaming around, climbing trees and chasing leaves, but there can be dangers outside too. If your kitty is an indoor only cat you can find a variety of toys that will provide a fun way to get more exercise. Cats can get bored if you play with the same toy over and over so it is a good idea to rotate favorite toys.

The other vital key to keeping your pet at a healthy weight is to feed healthy, high quality pet food and pet treats. Yes, you can buy healthy treats too. Unfortunately some of the pet food produced today is kind of like junk food. Companies use by-products and fillers to make a cheap food, but some cats and dogs don't react well to these foods.

Keeping Your Pet Healthy

Unfortunately when they are overweight or eating a low quality pet food they are at a much greater risk of contracting a variety of health problems. Common problems include diabetes, arthritis, digestive problems, problems with the heart and kidneys and an overall decreased immune system.

If you have ever had to deal with pet health problems you know how stressful this can be, not to mention expensive. In the long run it is well worth it to spend a little more on better quality food so you have lower chance of weight problems and other health problems.

Many of the higher quality cat foods and dog foods even have added ingredients like probiotics, omega fats, antioxidants and supplements to help with aging joints. Keeping your pet healthy will improve his or her quality of life and after all our pets give to us that is the least we can do for them.

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Flea Control Precautions For Your Pets

By Farah N

The real nuisance for any pet keeper is fleas. They not only disturb your pet but also give you a lot of discomfort when you see your dear pet in troubles created by these harmful creatures. The first thing you need to get rid of fleas is a proper flea control solution.

When you are looking out for a good flea control solution, you will become a victim of problem of choice. There are many programs and solutions available but only few of them are workable. It is very important to know your exact need and then find the right solution for it. Many products available in market vary in nature and effect. Some provide short term effectiveness and some work for longer periods. Some are convenient to use, and some are hard to apply. Some come with safety measures, and some result in adverse affects.

A good program covers a larger canvas. You must not only treat your animal for flea control, but the whole environment should be protected from flea growth. It includes your home, your car, your yard, your garden, and all of your pets.

There are a lot of powders and sprays available for flea control. A powder can bring good results if you apply it according to precautions and safety directions. It is only good if your pets are older than 8 weeks of age. You can apply the powder on your pets after every four days. The powder kills the adult fleas within 15 minutes of first application. Always remember to dilute the powder for puppies and kittens. You can mix talcum powder in flea control powder to reduce its strength which is harmful for small animals when applied directly.

The flea control sprays are also effective to quickly kill the adult as well as the growing fleas. It contains alcohol. Sometimes it is also effective in killing flea eggs.

Another good option is use of herbal insecticides. Eucalyptus oils, clove, pennyroyal, and citronella are good herbal solutions. Always mix them in shampoo while cleaning your dog. A direct application will not only disturb your dog due to its toxicity, but will badly affect the coat.

There are many other good and bad solutions available for flea control. You must learn about them properly before applying on your sensitive pet.

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Bathing Your Pet the Appropriate Way

By Damian Cross

Selecting the proper setting for bathing your pet is essential for a successful grooming session. For example, choosing a sink or tub for bathing may prove difficult if proper measures are not taken to prevent slipping. Any kind of door mat, or rubber mat used for bathing can be used as a safety measure and allow for a much more effective bathing experience. Precautions should not only be made for the animal, you must also make sure you are not in danger of slipping if water where to splash all over the floor.

In the event that you are using a hose to bathe your dog outdoors, make sure he is well restrained, and that you have contemplated the possibility of him getting loose.

An important part of the bathing process is selecting the right shampoo for your pet. These days there are so many products out there, you are likely to find a shampoo made precisely for your species and breed of pet. Shampoo made for pets is especially formulated for them; they allow them to keep certain oils in the skin which are crucial for their health. In case there is no other option than a shampoo made for people, try using a baby shampoo, which contain the least amount of scents and other additives. Dogs will repel any kind of scent being applied to their coat.

Bathing your pet is a step by step process. Start by setting the mood and playing a few pet games with him. Get him in the mood, by starting the grooming session with brushing his coat. It is very important to brush your pet thoroughly, in order to rid him of debris and any dead hair which will only end up clogging the drain.

Before putting your pet in contact with water, make sure the water is neither cold nor hot. Hot water will burn the skin and cold water will give him the chills. Lukewarm water will yield best results, and provide for a pleasurable experience. Keep in mind that too much water may frighten your pet. Sprinkling some water on him may prove to be easier than sinking his entire body in the tub.

It should also be kept as a high priority in your list to avoid letting water into the animal's ears, mouth or nose. Letting water get into these hard to reach places will not only prove to be unpleasant for the pet, but also liable to produce infections.

A good method for bathing is to start around the ears and work your way towards the tail. Apply the shampoo with circular motions as if giving your pet a massage. Once applied, soak thoroughly with water. Any shampoo left on the skin to dry will turn into a flaky shed which will end up all over your furniture and carpet.

Finally, take the time to dry off your pet properly. Once he's done remember to play a few pet games with him. Keep bathing a fun experience that he will be willing to come back to.

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My Dog is Being Sick

By Kathy Davison

1. Signs of Illness

When the puppy or dog is just too good, when suddenly be stops his mischievous ways, we begin to suspect that something is wrong. Maybe he acts sluggish, droops his tail and does not care about cleaning up his dish. Or perhaps he eats as if he were starved, or drinks so much water that he vomits it right up again. His stomach may be bloated.

The stools should be medium brown in colour and well formed. The puppy may defecate 4-5 times a day, the grown dog once; don't worry so long as colour and consistency are right.

If the stools are black, watery or blood- streaked, and there are more movements than usual, then something should be done. In a puppy, the eyes and nose are often first to show oncoming illness. The eyes may weep, possibly with pus collecting at the inner corners.

The nose may discharge either clear water or mucus. He may pant continuously, his breathing may be difficult, his expression strained.Not all of the symptoms will be noticed, of course,when the puppy is getting sick; certain symptoms point to one ailment, others to another. However,they are signs that should be watched for.

Any one of them is enough to tell the owner that something is wrong. Do not wait to see whether the condition will correct itself. The chances are that it won't. Don't experiment with remedies suggested by wellmeaning neighbours. Get the advice of an expert-your veterinarian. Quick action at the first sign of illness is the best short-cut to its cure.

2. The Sick Room

When the dog is ill he needs a room or corner of his Own. Protect him from noise and confusion,and from the Well-meant attentions of children and unthinking adults. He will be comforted by the quiet presence of his owner, but do not talk too much. You'll tire him out.

He needs first of all, peace and quiet. The dog recovering from a serious disease like Distemper, may be thrown into Fits by nothing more than the slam of a door or the shrieks of children playing. Or a frenzy of fear may be caused by the raising of a window shade and the entrance of sudden, stabbing light. Use dark shades, and keep the light fairly dim.

Over one side of his bed throw a blanket to further Shield the light which will pain him if his eyes are affected.

Remove rugs and carpets so the floor can be easily cleaned and cover the floor with newspapers. Arrange for enough air without a draft, and moderate heat that will remain even. Have some water bottles handy in case the patient needs more warmth. A table or a chest for medicine, utensils, everything used in the course of treatment will be helpful. And do not forget a pad upon which you note each dose of medicine and the time of day it was given. Wash all utensils carefully when ever they are used. Wash your hands before and after tending a sick dog.

Knowing what is wrong with your dog and what to do about it is key to not only prolonging your dogs life but having peace of mind as well. Having that information could literally save your dogs life.

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Ways to Locate Pet Grooming Supplies

By Damian Cross

You know you have been putting it off for some time, but your pet needs more than a walk in the park to play pet games and some grooming is in order. However, many pet owners find that they lack the time or money to spend on a professional pet groomer; needless to say they end up not receiving the service they expected in the first place.

With the beginning of the new millennium more and more pet owners are inclined to take care of their pets by themselves. Anyone who wishes to embark themselves in the task of grooming their pet immediately asks himself where to get the grooming supplies. Not just the flimsy plastic brushes, but the sturdy, good quality scissors, trimmers and brushes. Not only will they want to know where to get them, but some guidance is necessary as to the choices to be made. Every species and breed will require different type of tools. This is because of the wide variety of animal coats, thickness and length variations and other factors unique to each creature.

Probably the easiest road to dog grooming utensils for your particular pet can be obtained through your veterinarian. He will not only have quality tools, but will also be able to provide proper guidance as to the tools you need. However, if you are on a tight budget, this may not be the best way to go. The quality and advice provided by the veterinarian comes at a price. He will usually have high grade clippers and trimmers, and choose the proper one for you, but these items carry a hefty price tag. Perhaps you can explain to your veterinarian your needs, in order to get the proper recommendations and buy your tools elsewhere.

If you are confident enough to go about the search on your own, many companies have their complete catalog online. Shopping online is always a good option which will allow you to compare prices and products. Going online has other benefits as well, besides playing pet games; you'll be able to do some research on your particular breed of cat or dog. Sources may come from various articles, eBooks, and pet forums. There are some websites specifically dedicated to pet grooming, offering tips and advice, as well as an online store where you can purchase everything you need. Nowadays, most online store will provide a way for people who have previously bought an item in particular to share his experience with potential customers.

However, personally walking to the pet store has its advantages as well. Nothing beats the experience of holding the item I your hand before you buy it. There are also shipping costs to consider and warranty implications. It is much easier to return an item in your local store than having to ship back and forth. Plus, instead of reading only for the best product choices, you might have the opportunity to speak to someone in person about your pet.

Grooming your pet is no pet game, and should be done responsibly. Take the time to do your research on the grooming tools that best suit your pet friend. The success of your grooming activity will greatly depend on it.

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Reasons Why Finding a Pet Groomer Can Become Difficult

By Damian Cross

Grooming your pet properly is an essential part of owning a pet. Keeping your pet under proper standards of hygiene will result in a cat or dog that is emotionally and physically healthy. Certain activities in the grooming process, such as cutting hair and trimming the nails do not only help your pet look better, but also provide for a healthier lifestyle.

It is a common scenario these days to find that pet owners are often feeling lazy to pick up the brush, or are often postponing the grooming process and only find time to play pet games with their cat or dog. Leaving this task for later will not only make your pet look like a creature from a zombie movie, but could also be the source of all sorts of illnesses and infections. Finding the right person to groom your pet can be rather difficult. Perhaps, somebody who can do the job to your liking is way outside your means. While on the other hand, a cheap groomer may end up not doing the job as he should, and even abuse the animal by not knowing how to handle him properly.

Finding the right groomer is a trial and error process. The first step when trying someone out for the first time is to check his references, verify that this person has actually received some training at handling animals. When your pet is returned to you, make sure to examine him carefully. Not only should you confirm that he has been bathed and trimmed, but also look for signs of improper handling in the neck and legs. Signs to watch out for include red spots in the skin caused by the use of a razor too close to the skin, or bruises in the neck and legs as a result of holding the animal too tight. Another sign of malpractice that borders a little bit in the extreme would be blood present in the paws caused by trimming the nails too short and hurting the cuticle.

If you believe that your pet has been subject to unnecessary pain or abuse, talk to the groomer and ask for an explanation regarding your concern. If the explanation provided does not satisfy you, you could explore other alternatives. Before running off to the authorities, consider consulting your veterinarian, who can properly fill a grievance with the proper animal protection agencies. By taking these steps you would be raising an eye from the authorities towards this person, and possibly preventing others from falling into his hands.

Groomers in general need a license to operate, pretty much the same way you need one to drive a vehicle. The same way your driver's license can be taken away for driving poorly, so can your groomer's license be revoked for mistreatment of animals. You will often find that good pet groomers have special areas of expertise. A good dog groomer for example, will tend not to groom cats and vice versa. Looking for specialized groomers that fit your budget can prove to be a helpful technique.

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Owning Cats Vs Dogs in Cities - The Good and the Bad

By Cynthia Bachman

At first, it might not seem like a very good idea to bring a pet into a city apartment since they are, for the most part, cramped and quite small. Having another living being stay with us in our homes might just clutter it up even more.

It is a fact, though, that having a pet live with us will bring us entertainment, companionship and joy, among other things. That is definitely the reason that there are so many people living in city apartments with pets.

One animal tends to be called better suited for city apartments than others; the pets that people like the best are what that depends on. I will look objectively at this situation by discussing both the pros and cons regarding each animal in that setting.

Let's focus on dogs first. They will always be quite active and incredibly loyal to you, following you everywhere most of the time. Cats, on the other hand, are not going to do that.

When you are just too busy and cannot give them the attention they need, a dog is not going to be the best pet for you. Now, a person who likes to have a friendly companion around who is always there will surely appreciate this with regards to dogs.

Now cats, to the contrary, want to be left alone and do not require as much attention as a dog does. They will want to cuddle with you every so often, but you really don't have to do too much for them.

When it comes to being active, dogs definitely need to get outside a lot during the day. The task of walking a dog will be enjoyed by you if you like to get out in the fresh air.

On the flip side, having an indoor cat means that you won't have to take it outside at all. Just maintain the litter box and you will not have to think about going outside.

When we are talking about life in the city, it does seem like dogs are higher maintenance than cats are. However, numerous people do indeed love dogs.

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The Benefits of Using Specalised Veterinary Pet Food

By Vincenet Violet

People who own pets consider them part of the family. In fact, most people who have a dog or cat consider them almost like their own children. Because of this, they want to ensure they have the best for their pets. They ensure regular veterinary checkups so their pets are healthy. They want to ensure their pet gets plenty of exercise and quality time with their owners.

In addition, they want to ensure they eat a healthy, balanced meal so their nutritional needs are not neglected. Using Royal Canin pet food as part of your pet's diet will help ensure this. They have a wide range of pet food products designed to maximise the health of your pet and they also have a vast store of knowledge regarding different breeds of pet and their needs.

What is Royal Canin?

Royal Canin was established in 1967 with an emphasis on nutrition for dogs and cats. Their developmental team concentrated not on what looked appealing to pet owners, but instead what was best for the pet. They have worked hard to study the nutritional requirements of both dogs and cats but they also take it one step further. In addition to researching nutritional needs of cats and dogs, they delve even further to determine any specific needs based on breed or characteristics of the pet. There are Royal Canin pet food products available for specific breeds, as well as various stages in development of the pet such as young pets through older pets or indoor and outdoor pets.

Why Addressing Specific Nutrition Needs are Important

Just as with people, pets are unique. Each pet has its own set of talents and advantages, as well as issues. There are particular breeds that are prone to specific medical issues that can be addressed with nutrition. Because of this, it is important to feed your pet, food that caters to their strengths and enhances any weaknesses they may have also. For example, puppies, adult dogs and older dogs have different nutritional requirements. A puppy needs food that is easier to digest and enhances their immune system. Adult dogs need food that will keep their energy up and older dogs may need food that assists with prevention of health problems. The same holds true for cats.

Pets may be indoor or outdoor. They may have some health problems. They may be under nourished or overweight. Pets start out as babies with different needs throughout their life span, as they grow to adulthood and then to maturity. It is important to address the specific needs of the dog through each phase of their life and one type of pet food will not be sufficient to address all of these needs.

The Solution for your Pet's Needs

In order to properly maintain the health of your pet, Royal Canin pet food has a solution for each stage of development. They have a full spectrum of both dog and cat foods that will address specific problems, specific breeds and developmental stages in life. Check with your veterinarian regularly on what problems your pet may have that can be addressed with their nutrition and then choose the food that best addresses these issues.

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How to Find Cheap Frontline

By Dave Tee

Frontline plus for Dogs and Cats is by far one of the best possible ways to ensure they stay free of fleas and also ticks, so let's take a look at how to get the best possible prices.

Here are a few great tips to ensure that you pay the absolute minimum price.

Firstly it is always cheaper to buy in as large a quantity as you possibly can. Although you are spending more in one go Frontline is always cheaper the larger the pack that you buy. It makes sense to buy a 12 month supply if at all possible. You save on packaging costs and also on shipping so it is always a much better deal for you.

But the main way to get the best price is to do price comparisons. Shop around and you will be amazed at the difference in cost from one store to the next. You can make some very large savings by checking out many different retailers and buying from the one with the lowest price but also the best customer service. Too many people simply buy only from a regular store that they always use, without checking to ensure that it is not actually better priced somewhere else.

This is the main reason why some sites continue to charge a lot yet still get sales. They rely on us not checking to see where else we could possibly buy from. Tale some time once a year or so to ensure that you are still paying the best price and your time will be rewarded. You could make some large savings and this means that you are much more likely to always use it when your pet needs it and also that you can then keep it in stock for when it may be needed as well. These few tips will help you get the best price Frontline plus possible.

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Crazy Animal Behavior

By Valerie Olmsted

Dog people are often puzzled by cat people and cat people have a hard time understanding why anyone would want a jumping, slobbering, stinky creature sharing such wonderfulness with them. General animal lovers wonder why anyone would question having either as a pet-they realize all pets are wonderful.

First of all, let's consider the reasons many people give for hating cats. The terms sneaky, ferocious, scary, evil, and untrustworthy are often used next to the word 'cat'. Usually the use of such terms comes from a childhood trauma or learned avoidance by association with one who has suffered a trauma. For those who have suffered trauma from dogs, the terms run to rabid, dangerous, fleabag, attack and killer, so cats are not the only animals hated and feared by some people.

In truth, animals are just like people in some regards. When they are frightened or abused, they become ferocious and attack anything that comes near them. If they are trained to be attack animals, all they know is to attack-either on command, or on anyone entering the premises. Animals learn behaviors from their human companions the same way the humans learn from their associations with other humans. The phrase "hanging out with a bad crowd" comes to mind.

Like humans, if animals hang out with people who teach them bad behaviors, they can become just as deranged and awful as humans. Whenever news of a terrible attack on humans surfaces, most of us who practice responsible animal care have a tendency to mutter: "Too bad the animal will be killed because of that-it's not the animal's fault, it's the owner's fault".

Hanging out with humans has created so much trauma to the psyche of animals that it birthed a whole new arena in animal services. Now we have pet psychics, pet detectives, pet psychologists, and pet spas-just to name a few. Volumes have been written about animal psychology and how it has changed due to human involvement (and not usually for the better).

One of the most fascinating angles on animal behavior comes from the Buddhist arena. Buddhists state that everything just wants to live life. As an example, they will point out the effect the intent to kill has on an insect. You can try this out yourself. The next time you see a spider, ant, or whatever kind of insect innocently going by, focus your intention on that particular insect and build up a murderous rage. Decide you are going to kill it, then watch what happens: the insect will get frantic as it is overcome by the fear of being murdered.

For people who think that no creature but man can think, therefore there is no reason to consider the feelings of other creatures, this little experiment can actually open the mind. The truth is, everything that is alive wants to live. Period. Everything that lives is programmed to seek life and avoid death, even viruses and bacteria.

So the next time you think about why animals are going crazy suddenly and doing inexplicable things, realize the answer as to 'why' may be as close as the humans the animal lives with. Kinda makes you go 'hmmmm', doesn't it

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Top 10 Best Pet Sitting Tips

By Craig Wallin

Starting your own pet sitting business isn't too difficult. You love pets, so this is already a natural fit for you. So what are the tips that could get you ahead and make you the pet sitter everyone calls on?

1. Do your research

Before you get started, do your research. Learn about your town and the demand for pet sitters. If possible, consult other pet sitters, veterinarians, groomers, and pet shop owners to see if they have any tips or advice that could help you become an all-star pet sitter.

2. Emergency kits

It's a good idea to have a couple different emergency kits. First of all, have one in your car in case if you have to transport a pet for any reason. If the pet makes a mess, you don't want to have major cleanup to do. Also, it's a good idea to carry a kit with when you're with a pet in their home or on a walk. This kit could include a spare collar, leash, and can opener for pet food, as well as a change of clothing, flashlight, and a spray bottle filled with half water and half vinegar to handle any aggressive dogs you might encounter on a walk.

3. Come up with a catchy name

When thinking of a name, make sure to find out if the name is already in use, especially if it's been trademarked. Have a fun name that could be memorable to your customers? Also, consider putting an "A," or "AA" before your name as this will put you towards the top of alphabetical listings in the Yellow Pages or other list.

4. First visit

This is your chance to get to know the pet owner and their pet and to see if this is a job you want to take. You can learn the layout of the home and what services the pet owner wants you to provide.

5. Having a signed agreement

Having a contract between you and the pet owner will help avoid trouble if the pet gets sick or injured while you're caring for them or any other problem that may arise.

6. Daily visits

Make sure to knock before entering a pet owner's house, even if you've been told they won't be home. It's also a good idea to find out ahead of time if any other people could possibly be in the house. Also, be sure to scout the entire house for any messes the pet might've made and clean up the mess in the way the pet owner wishes.

7. Be safe

Don't let anyone, except for a fireman or policeman, into the pet owner's house unless given permission by the pet owner. For example, don't assume someone wearing a polo shirt stating they work for a carpet cleaning company to be telling the truth. Just be safe. Also, be sure to take a safe route if you'll be walking a dog. And most importantly, keep all doors locked. Don't give burglars any way to get inside.

8. Key organization

Keep your customer's key(s) on you at all times you are on a job for them. If you have multiple customers, develop a system to keep track of the keys. It's also not a bad idea to have a backup key for each customer just in case. And don't forget to test the keys during your first visit.

9. Free advertising

Take advantage of free advertising, such as blogs and Craigslist and Many take just minutes to post an ad and could help you gain new customers at no expense to you.

10. Advertise to planned (over 55) communities

This can be a great way to get customers. Many have newsletters that offer very cheap advertising and you open yourself up to a wealth of customers. Many of these communities have residents with high incomes that travel a lot. That means a lot of work for you!

Taking advantage of these tips will make you an all-star pet sitter. You'll see more calls coming in and those profits piling up. Pretty soon your pet sitting business will be the talk (woof! meow!) of the town!

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The Best Way to Take Care of Your Pets

By Doug P White

There are a large number of families that keep pets. Pets often enjoy the status of a family member and they are not treated just like animals. They get good care to prevent illness. In some cases kids love pets which is why parents who may not otherwise like the pets may keep them at home. Here are some tips and info to help you take good care of your pets so that your pets remain in good health. After all, pets are like babies even when they get quite old in age.

It is imperative that your pet be loved while making you feel loved at the same time. When the pet comes for the first time it is important to let it roam around the house and get a feeling of absolute freedom. This helps the pet get familiar with the surroundings. You should know the fact that pets feel quite nervous when they come to your place for the very first time.

Your pet should get proper comfort. Good and high quality food and a proper sleeping area should be provided to pets. You need to train pets to prevent them from dirtying it thoroughly. You can add some pillows, blankets, toys and the like in the sleeping area to pamper your pet and make it comfortable. Your pert should also be able to know where to get food and pee for which training is required.

The health of your pet has to be ensured. Furry ones will have to be shampooed and vacuumed in terms of hair cleaning. This helps them to be free from insects and having white shiny hair would help them look beautiful.

You can also get quite a few animal products to use in the bath. Pets love to play with you even as they enjoy and love bathing sessions.

Positive reinforcements ate great for pets when they behave badly or perhaps poop at the wrong place. Instead of going on punishing them for the bad, you can choose to treat them well for the good and the right things they do. This is an encouraging and proper way to help pets do well and learn quickly.

Never wait for a long time when you notice that your pet is looking sluggish and may be coming down with some disease. Do consult your Vet as soon as possible so that the pet gets back to health soon. Pets should be loved and made to feel important. If they are able to become a part of your family, you will not be able to live without them.

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Flea Prevention to Save Your Building

By Scott Wessell

It is always enjoyable to have pets. They help in maintaining a good social and interactive health. Pets are also very helpful in rearing your children to become responsible individuals. However, as much as pets are nice to have, it also posts the risk of having fleas. Fleas are very hard to eliminate once they have infiltrated your home. The best way to not be bothered by these pests is through prevention.

There are many stages that fleas undergo before becoming very destructive pests. It is best that you are able to eliminate them during these stages before they become annoying. Likewise, it is best to not allow them to multiply or even settle at all. When thinking about flea prevention, one must understand the insect's lifestyle.

One must know what they eat, how they reproduce and even how it starts to enter your premises. It is also wise to consider of you have the perfect breeding ground for them so you may attract them. Flea prevention would call for clean premises and good sanitation. Oftentimes, bad lawn maintenance will attract these pests to breed on your ground. It doesn't end there, however, even with proper sanitation; fleas can still be transported to your home through stray dogs or cats. These fleas sometimes fall to the ground, and then start their life from there. It would be wise to ward off stray pets from your house by installing a fence around your premises. Your neighbor's pets may also have fleas, so you better be careful of them too. There are chemicals and sound devices available on the market that can eliminate these pests from your home but as opposed to prevention, it is almost a waste of money.

When cleaning your house to rid of fleas, vacuuming your furniture would be a wise move. However. Simply vacuuming once in a while will not help on entirely eliminating them. Fleas leave droppings of dried blood, which, in time turns into larvae. This would mean that another generation of fleas will start to breed. It would be better to take on a regular cleaning routine. This way, the fleas' early life is eliminated early on. Your sanitation activities should include the areas surrounding your house. Aside from installing fences, make sure that there are no tall weeds or grass in your lawn.

Should you decide to tend to bushes here and there, just make sure that this is also kept clean at all times. On the other hand, if you think that fleas are only carried by hairy, arm blooded animals, be made aware that humans can also be carriers of these, so disinfecting your house will be very helpful. Your pets should also be kept as clean as your house is. It would be no use having a clean home if your pet is the main breeding ground for fleas. There are available chemicals or drops in the market that can help eliminate these pests from your pet's skin in a matter of minutes.

Next time you decide to keep pets, or if you want to have a flea-free house, follow these safety, preventive and elimination procedures.

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How Pet Health Care Teaches Responsibility

By Jessica L Moss

"For the last time, no you can't have a dog!" Ten words which will be familiar to parents all over the country, whose children have begged, pleaded, kicked and screamed. They're often very reluctant to allow their children to get a pet since it will be mum or dad organising the pet health care when the novelty has worn off and the puppy has become a dog.

It's certainly true that children rarely consider the implications of taking on such a big commitment as an animal which has a good chance of still being alive when they leave for university in ten years' time. They don't necessarily understand the pet health care requirements of a dog or the financial commitment that feeding one for fifteen or more years can entail.

For some children, though, perhaps this commitment could be a fantastic learning process. Taking on pet health care, feeding and walking a dog is a fantastic way to learn about responsibility and many children will thrive when required to take charge. Having a living, breathing being rely entirely upon them for everything is a guaranteed way for a child to learn maturity, responsibility and commitment.

It is vital that those parents who do agree to allow their child to get a pet set boundaries and rules before bringing home the pet. The child must be made fully aware that they animal will be relying on them for everything, what the pet will need to be properly looked after and the consequences if the pet isn't cared for. These should not be underemphasised; on the contrary, the child is likely to be more responsible for their pet if they are aware that health problems may result from lack of care. Parents should also underline that the pet is the child's responsibility and that they won't be walking the dog when the child doesn't feel like it and it's raining.

Being responsible for pet health care can teach children a lot about maturity and responsibility. Very young children may not be able to cope with the commitment and could perhaps be left responsible for the cleaning and feeding of goldfish or a hamster. Older children are more inclined towards bigger pets like dogs and cats. The next time your child implores you to get a pet, have a discussion about responsibility and pet health care needs. They'll either agree and have a chance to learn a lot, or, terrified of the responsibility quickly change their mind; parents can't lose.

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Pet Sitter - Best Tips to Find One

By Penelop Jones

We all love our pets. A pet is a domestically owned animal which is kept basically for companionship. People love to play with their pets all day long. Some of the people even regard them as a part of their family. Further in this topic we are going to talk about pet sitting in detail. But first of all let us understand what pet sitter exactly is. Well, a pet sitter is a person who takes care of your pet whenever you are out for some important work. They basically work on contract basis.

So, if you are going out for a long vacation then you can leave your pet behind with a trustworthy sitter. Some of the finest places to look for a sitter are: local Humane Society and a famous Veterinarian agency. You can certainly find a good pet sitter in this way. Some of the sitters even work on freelance basis. It could prove to be very beneficial to you. You really need to plan well before hiring a professional for this job. Ample research is also required for this purpose.

Now, given below are some of the finest tips to help you find a good pet sitter.

1. Always opt for an established and experienced sitter. Only such professionals could really help you. If you go for an amateur then it is possible that your pet might be in danger. So, if you really love your pet then you must opt for an experienced sitter of pet.

2. You should interview a few short listed candidates for this job. Yes, it is very important to do so. Make a complete list of questions that you need to ask the candidates. Specialized sitters must offer both evidence of bonding and accountability indemnity treatment. They should be able to easily interact with your pets.

3. You really need to talk about their price. Before hiring them you need to discuss about the price that they are going to charge. It should be reasonable enough. They should not ask for a hefty amount.

4. You also need to discuss the style of working of the pet sitter. He should work in the best possible manner and provide you all types of services.

So, these are some of the things that could really help you find a suitable pet sitter. Don't forget to read this article once.

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The Dogs Vs Cats Debate in City Apartments

By Laura Rosewall

A city apartment might not appear to be a good place to have a pet, as they are oftentimes extremely small without much space. Having one more living thing in our places of residence could just add to all the clutter.

Then again, bringing a pet into our lives will enrich it with companionship, joy and, surely, entertainment. This is the main reason that a lot of people who reside in city apartments do, indeed, have a pet living with them.

You will see that one animal is going to be called more suitable to be in a city apartment than others are; it all depends on exactly which pets people tend to like more. Let me be objective about the situation and talk about both the pros and cons of each animal in that setting.

Let's discuss dogs first. They will be very loyal to you and are a lot more active than a cat would be. Dogs are, in all likelihood, going to follow you around quite a bit, as opposed to cats that will surely do the exact opposite of that.

A dog might not be the best choice if you are a busy person without much time to give them attention. On the contrary, someone is going to appreciate this about dogs if they really like having the companionship of a friend who is always there for them.

With a cat, they do not require as much attention as dogs and generally keep to themselves. Yes, they will come to you for the occasional cuddle, but they can pretty much maintain themselves.

When it comes to being active, a dog is going to have to go outside many times each day. You will like walking a dog if you enjoy being outdoors and getting fresh air.

Contrary to that, most cats that are kept indoors do not have to go outside. All you need to do is make sure to keep the litter box clean. You do not even need to leave your home.

Well, it might seem like having a cat in the city is easier than having a dog. Nevertheless, so many folks just can't get around the love they have for dogs.

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Happiness is Pets - Adopt a Pet For Your Happy Life

By Susan McMillin

Just ask any pet owner about their pet and you are likely to see them perk up all over their body. They will smile, get excited and probably tell you at least one funny story about their pets. Even the popular on-line game, World of War Craft, recognizes the power of a happy pet.

Health, Happiness, and Pets
Advocates of alternative medicine have long recognized that happiness is pets. Animals are taken into nursing homes, hospitals and other centers to work their magic on people who are ill. A January 2008 New York Times article, quotes a Japanese study showing that pet owners have fewer doctor visits and an Australian study that shows pet owners have lower blood pressure and cholesterol. Dogs perform search and rescue, act as guides for those who cannot see or hear, and can even sometimes predict seizures in their human companions.

There are many theories behind this. In a 2003 article from the Clemson University Undergraduate Journal, Alicia Stribling notes that a review of research indicates that the quality of the relationship matters. People with a positive relationship get more benefits from pet ownership than others. Some research indicates that happiness is pets because the pets have primarily positive interactions with us. They do not criticize, condemn, or complain, but provide steady affection.

Happiness is Pets for Animals Too
Whatever the reason, even animals find comfort in relationships with other animals. For example, the famous gorilla, Koko, loves kitties. Koko is learning to communicate with humans through sign language and if the photos were not compelling enough, Koko has confirmed her love of humans, other gorillas, and kittens through her language.

Another famous example of animals connecting with other animals to confirm that happiness is pets in the animal kingdom too, is the turtle who adopted the baby hippo in the African animal rescue camp after the big Tsunami.

Happiness is pets that are adopted
A large body of research on positive psychology shows that people are happier when they are helping others. You can increase your pet happiness further when you adopt an animal from your local animal shelter or humane society. If you are looking for just the right pet to rescue, you might also look on In addition to dogs and cats, they have a wide variety of unusual animals like horses, birds and others. I know someone who adopts farm animals who would otherwise be slaughtered like chickens and sheep.

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